IN Gamma Fully Accredited as SigEp Learning Community!
As of February 2023, the Indiana Gamma chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon has received fully accreditation as a SigEp Learning Community (SLC). We join only 72 other chapters nationwide who share the same accreditation. Learning communities have become a priority within the American higher education system to ensure students have the opportunities to develop critical skills outside of the classroom during some of the most formative years of their lives. Currently accredited SLCs are responsible for fostering a living-learning environment, maintaining a space in the chapter facility that can be used for academics at all times, and hosting SLC events either at the chapter facility or on campus. Fully accredited chapters are responsible for renewing their accreditation biannually. Our chapter has completed various workshops for our brothers this years, such as how to change a tire, how to tie a tie, and how to play euchre. We have also hosted seminars/speakers on campus as well, with our most event being with the Office of Health Promotion and Advocacy, in which they discussed alcohol safety and tips to prevent gender-based violence with us. We were happy to have other Greek chapters join us for this event. We are looking forward to hosting more events on campus this spring!